
Doing business internationally

International enterprise is on the raise, with more and more businesses also venturing abroad. And that frequently entails the same old challenges. Although going international offers a wealth of opportunities, it often also means a whole new world of rules, requirements and doing business.

How does doing business abroad work?

No need to worry, because our specialists will be happy to advise you during your first steps doing business abroad. That way, there won't be any surprises. That's because taking sufficient account of the interaction between the differing international and local regulations is crucial. Are you a Belgian company wishing to do business abroad? Or are you an international firm seeking to trade in Belgium? Our team supports you in the fields of tax, legal, accounting and social contributions.

Vandelanotte France

We have put together our own team especially for your activities in France. Are you thinking about expanding to our neighbouring country, or have you already set up in French territory and are looking for a reliable accountant? Our multilingual team of accounting experts and tax, legal and social security experts are ready for you in our offices in France and Belgium. In Dutch or in French, whichever you prefer. That way, you can even make the most of our renowned Vandelanotte service over national borders.

Specific topics

Do you have a question on a specific topic? For example, about employment or estate planning abroad? Don't know exactly how to work out a transfer pricing policy for your foreign subsidiaries? The good news is that you don't have to figure this out on your own. We are happy to assist you with clear explanations, good advice and concrete steps.

 International partner offices

Did you happen to know that Vandelanotte is a member of The Leading Edge Alliance (LEA)? This international has been connecting independent accounting and consultancy firms around the work for over 20 years. And that's precisely where our strength lies. Because by collaborating with international partner offices, both our own knowledge yours grow. Moreover, we have our own Vandelanotte regional desks for several countries. Thanks to the extensive expertise of these teams, Vandelanotte is the right place for all your international questions.

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In our opinions, we rely on current legislation, interpretations and legal doctrine. This does not prevent the administration from disputing them or from changing existing interpretations.

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