Vandelanotte France

Bonjour la France! Vandelanotte France means you can rely on one contact person for both your Belgian and your French activities. The major benefit? Thanks to a complete and integrated overview of your activities, we can contribute input proactively, anticipate your needs, and ensure the activities in both countries are aligned with each other. And yes, we're 100% bilingual!

Tax and legal guidance in France

You can enter the French market in various ways. Are you opting on doing this with your Belgium company or are you subsuming your activities into a new French company? Is a branch going to be sufficient? Together with you, our team goes through the various options and selects the most suitable structure.

French real estate

Purchasing French property always influences your tax situation, both in Belgium and in France. That's why we look into how best to structure the purchase of your own property. This specifically concerns the consequences for your income tax, VAT, property tax, inheritance tax and capital gains tax.

French accounting and VAT

Are you performing activities in France or leasing property? In that case, it might be you also have to do your own accounting there, or have VAT obligations. Those happen to be some of our specialities. We offer support when performing accounting, requesting or cancelling your French VAT number, and submitting VAT declarations. 

Social representation in the event of secondment

Do you, as a Belgian company, temporarily post employees to France? If so, it is best to take into account a number of important formal obligations. For example, you must declare the services in advance and appoint a social representative who can speak to the labour inspectorate at any time and produce the necessary social documents. In addition, there are mandatory provisions of French labour law to respect. Our team will be happy to support you in complying with your obligations.

Payroll in France

When employing staff in France, correct payroll administration is essential. We will be your companion de route, guiding you through the process from A to Z. We will guide you through the process of determining your employees' salary package in France, handle the monthly payroll and take care of the necessary declarations.

Socio-legal advice

Recruiting (French) employees often involves a lot of social and legal issues. Our team can answer all your questions about social legislation in France. We take care of all types of socio-legal documents such as individual employment contracts, company agreements and employment regulations. Even when someone leaves the company, our team will ensure that everything is done in accordance with French law.

Besides the statutory obligations and formalities, we are of course also ready with specialised legal, tax and social-security advice. We chart both risks and opportunities for you.

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In our opinions, we rely on current legislation, interpretations and legal doctrine. This does not prevent the administration from disputing them or from changing existing interpretations.

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