Doing business abroad

Investing internationally is a important step for an increasing number of Belgian companies. That makes sense, since the foreign market offers a whole raft of interesting opportunities. Whether you wish to set up a permanent establishment, branch or foreign partnership, having a sparring partner is essential. That's because starting up like that involves formalities that for you as a business might be totally unfamiliar. Even after starting your activities abroad, following up on the various developments, optimisations and obligations is crucial. This is why you need proper advice from the outset, crossing the border with one of our specialists.

Cross the border with one of our specialists.

International VAT

If your company is expanding, and you're considering setting up abroad, you will need to take international VAT rules into account. Just like in Belgium, other countries have their own rules and obligations. How should you approach this? Exactly how much VAT should you charge? And what about your VAT declaration? Our years of experience mean we know perfectly well which obligations you have to meet, and how to best streamline the VAT impact on your company. Our specialists assist you, among other things, with:

  • requesting your VAT number abroad;

  • submitting your periodic declarations, listings and other formalities;

  • VAT representation (direct and in the case of reimbursements);

  • starting up a VAT unit;

  • submitting a VAT refund request;

  • analysing VAT obligations with international transactions; and

  • VAT audit.

Interesting for you

Need additional advice or guidance? Our collaboration with Leading Edge Alliance means we – or our international partners – can support you in any country with customised advice, about the VAT rules for your activities in Belgian, among other things.

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In our opinions, we rely on current legislation, interpretations and legal doctrine. This does not prevent the administration from disputing them or from changing existing interpretations.

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