

Companies should raise the bar for themselves when it comes to sustainability, investing in a clear sustainability strategy and vision. Whether you are an experienced entrepreneur or a rookie taking your first (structured) steps in the field of sustainability, Vandelanotte is there to provide you with hands-on support. Commitment to sustainability is simply not a one-off exercise, rather an ongoing process.

Towards a sustainable future

Vandelanotte is happy to walk you through your transition towards a sustainable future. We would be happy to assist you in setting up a clear sustainability policy, either guiding you from A to Z or simply taking one of the necessary steps:

  • Defining a sustainable vision

  • Clear analysis on the maturity of current sustainability policies

  • Carrying out stakeholder and/or dual materiality analysis

  • Setting up and implementing a clear sustainability programme

Naturally, we would like to translate this into a transparent follow-up and sustainability reporting system. Finally, we are happy to assist you in conducting any necessary audits, while providing assurances on your already existing sustainability policy and reporting system.