Liberal professions

Liberal professions

Are you a practitioner of the liberal professions, such as a lawyer, notary or bailiff? Then you know better than anyone that your chosen profession requires extensive vocational expertise and in-depth case knowledge. Vandelanotte also operates in the service sector and can therefore provide first-rate accounting support and tax advice tailored to your company.

Your permanent and trusted contact person knows your profession through and through. And that is no coincidence. Indeed, knowledge forms the very heart of our service provision. Which is why we closely monitor legislative changes to enable us to continue responding to rapidly changing developments within your sector.

Our specialist team consistently meets all your accounting and tax needs. Regardless of whether that involves performing the accounts on your behalf or assisting your internal accounting department with personal advice or temporary support; with Vandelanotte you are certainly in safe hands. We always strive to deploy the right people in the right place, ensuring that your accounting is constantly up-to-date. We also take care of any audit requirements and prepare your year-end closing with a view to filing the figures and submitting the necessary tax returns. We never wait until the end of the year to start crunching your numbers; but instead maintain a current state of play via regular reporting.

This allows us to proactively raise potential optimisations and enables you to focus on what you do best.

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In our opinions, we rely on current legislation, interpretations and legal doctrine. This does not prevent the administration from disputing them or from changing existing interpretations.