Join the future.

We are happy to work with you in exploring how we can use subsidies and withholding tax exemption as absolute game changers in the development phase of your project.

However, it is always your idea that is central to your progress. Having adequate legal protection of your idea is therefore essential. Consequently, we are happy to assist you in protecting your ideas either in terms of intellectual property, non-disclosure clauses, or in obtaining any necessary patents and trademarks.

While innovation brings with it the necessary investment, once the innovation has been made a reality, we are equally happy to simply assist you, either in obtaining the necessary subsidies and resources to steer the development of your idea in the right direction, or by optimising returns on your innovative ideas through the application of fiscal resources, such as investment and innovation deductions.

Our strengths

  • Integrated and proactive support for your entire innovation process with our in-depth knowledge of your case

  • Service package tailored to the needs of your business

  • Personal and permanent point of contact with the necessary knowledge and experience to support you

  • Fixed and transparent price

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In our opinions, we rely on current legislation, interpretations and legal doctrine. This does not prevent the administration from disputing them or from changing existing interpretations.

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