Information security - ISO 27001

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, no organisation is immune to the threat of cyber attacks and data breaches. However, ensuring the confidentiality, availability and accuracy of information is essential to achieving organisational goals.

Establishing an Information Security Management System

Establishing an Information Security Management System (ISMS) provides a structured, risk-based approach. It considers organisational roles and responsibilities, processes and supporting IT systems to ensure information security. This approach is feasible for organisations of all sizes.

What is ISO 27001?

ISO 27001 is the international information security standard. The standard outlines the requirements for the policies, procedures, processes and systems needed to manage risk effectively.

Why choose ISO 27001?

  • Achieving ISO 27001 certification gives your customers and other stakeholders confidence in the security of their information.

  • It reassures existing customers and attracts potential customers by demonstrating your organisation's commitment to information security.

  • An ISMS based on ISO 27001 ensures compliance with relevant legislation.

  • The implementation of ISO 27001 clearly defines and streamlines roles, responsibilities and procedures, improving organisational efficiency.

  • Business continuity risks are minimised.

What can Vandelanotte do for your organisation?

With our expertise in information security and risk management, we can help you to:

  • Establish an ISMS tailored to your organisation;

  • Preparing and guiding you through the ISO 27001 certification process;

  • Assessing your system and providing concrete recommendations to improve its maturity.