
Estate planning

As a business owner, it is important to map out your assets and secure them for the future. For example, do you know the value of your estate? What about your shares, exactly? And is it necessary to make extra savings for the future? To avoid any surprises further down the road, we set to work on your very own tailor-made plan. This ensures that your future, and that of future generations, is optimally assured. Here is a list of the most common forms of estate planning.

Getting a head start is half the battle – start thinking about your financial future today.

Setting up a partnership

With a partnership, you are already transferring your assets to the next generation in a tax-friendly way. This can be useful for avoiding inheritance tax for when you are no longer around. Through such partnerships, you will also retain control over any ceded assets and their income. 

Drawing up marriage contracts

Good agreements make good friends. When it comes to marriage, this is no different. In a prenuptial agreement, you clearly set out what may happen to the assets of both parties in the event of the dissolution of the marriage, for example following divorce or death. While this is something you might prefer not to think about yet, it could save you a whole lot of trouble.

Drafting a will

A will is a well-known solution for supplementing or deviating from the legal rules around succession, while ensuring respect for your final wishes. We discuss what to do with your home, money and other assets. Thus, after you are no longer with us, there is no room for discussion between heirs, or indeed with the tax authorities. 

Granting power of attorney

Ever considered who will manage your assets if you are no longer able to do so yourself? To avoid having your assets frozen, you can nominate a power of attorney to take over this task for you. This ensures your business is run by someone you trust.

Declaration of inheritance

After someone passes away, the tax authorities will ask for a declaration of inheritance. This serves to map out the state of the deceased's assets, forming the basis of any inheritance tax owed. Due to the nature of our services, we often already have all the information we need to do this both correctly and in a timely manner, thereby ensuring that any heirs are not burdened with this.

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