How can you protect your assets from creditors, ensure that your partner still has the necessary financial protection after your death or ensure that your assets will continue to be managed properly when you are no longer around? There are several solutions for this, such as a declaration of unseizability for the family home, a well-drafted marriage contract (which marriage system am I best-off choosing?) and a power of attorney to be there in the event of incapacity.

Protecting your assets

Those with substantial assets will see a large portion of their wealth disappear on inheritance tax when they pass on. The impact this can have on your family and business cannot be underestimated, so it is important to be prepared. Our specialists can help advise you on which capital to insure and how to structure any cover after your passing for tax purposes.

We offer clear succession planning with solutions that can legally reduce inheritance tax for your heirs. The focus is not only on the tax advantage, but also on your personal wishes and aspirations. Planning gives you the most realistic picture possible of your current situation and your future path.

Our team of specialists can provide a tailored solution to any obstacle. In this way, you can not only protect your wealth, but also grow it. Regular updates check that the action plans have been implemented correctly and whether a new analysis is needed. So you are always prepared for the future.

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