How much will your net supplementary pension be? Is it enough to maintain you and your family's standard of living? What would happen if you were to die prematurely or become incapacitated? These are just some of the questions you will inevitably end up pondering sooner rather than later. After all, retirement brings with it a lot of changes, including financial ones. With good preparation being half the battle, our specialists ready to offer you all the support and advice you need.

Mapping your assets

We draw up a detailed estate plan that takes into account all your assets: how much property do you own, for example, what is the value of your shares and how much are your life insurance policies worth? Do you need to save more for your retirement and, if so, how can you do this in the most tax-efficient way? What is your income and what are your monthly expenses? Based on your incomings and outgoings, we will help you work out how much capital you will need to maintain your current standard of living until for as long as you're around. Is there a surplus that could possibly already be passed down to the next generation? Or should you carry on making additional savings?

We assess the problem areas and then develop a long-term plan to ensure that your wealth is built optimally, both for your own future and that of future generations. But because the future is unpredictable, we always take into account possible turning points in your life and their financial impact on your wealth. So you can enjoy financial peace of mind from now on.