Real estate
11 January 2024

French budget law 2024: Impact on the rental of furnished holiday homes

by Febe Louage and Matthieu Van Gucht

The French Budget Law for 2024, recently approved by the government, introduces significant changes for Belgians who own and rent out property in France. In particular, the tax system for the rental of furnished holiday accommodations is undergoing a major reform.

What is a furnished holiday home?

A furnished holiday home refers to a furnished villa, apartment, or studio that is rented out for the exclusive use of the tenant, rented to visiting clients who do not reside there permanently and rent the accommodation on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.

What are the obligations?

In addition to obtaining a SIRET number, every furnished tourist accommodation — whether classified or not — must be registered with the local municipality. In some municipalities, this registration may also require an official registration number.

Taxation for the 2023 tax year

For income tax purposes, it is possible under certain conditions to benefit from the 'micro' tax regime. This regime offers simplified annual obligations and does not require formal bookkeeping, as deductible expenses are calculated on a flat-rate basis.

To qualify for the micro regime, your annual rental income must not exceed a certain threshold. These thresholds vary depending on whether your property is classified. Classification also determines the applicable flat-rate deduction percentage. The table below provides an overview of the income limits and corresponding deduction rates:

Non-classified accommodation

Classified accommodation

Annual income treshold

€ 77 000

€ 188 700

Flat-rate deduction



If your rental income exceeds these thresholds, you are no longer eligible for the micro regime and will be subject to the 'régime réel', which requires a full accounting of income and expenses.

What changes for the 2024 tax year?

The 2024 budget law provides for a reduction in both the income thresholds and the flat-rate deduction percentages, effective from the 2023 income year. This was approved by the French parliament on Monday, 29 January 2024.

Maximum annual income (Micro BIC)

Flat-rate deduction

Non-classified accommodation

€ 15 000


Standard rental

€ 77 700


Classified accommodation

€ 30 000


Classified accommodation in a very sparsely populated area

€ 50 000


Bed & breakfasts

€ 188 700


These provisions are not yet final and still need to be confirmed by the Senate.

There is also pending clarification regarding the definition of “very sparsely populated areas,” which will determine whether you qualify for certain thresholds and deductions.

Would you like to know more about renting furnished holiday homes in France? Feel free to contact one of our experts for personalised advice!

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Febe Louage

Manager International

Matthieu Van Gucht

Team Manager Accountancy

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