by Siel Demeyer and Sven Loosvelt
The new ruling regarding innovation income deductions has been in effect since 1 July 2016. This is intended to replace the previous patent income deduction scheme. The transitional rules allow companies to make use of the patent income deduction through 30 June 2021.
The innovation income deduction is the result of an international effort. OECD judged that the Belgian patent deduction regime did not meet the conditions set out in their BEPS Action Plan. The rules were insufficiently transparent and failed to ensure that the patent deduction’s tax benefits were enjoyed by the company actually undertaking the research and development activities.
The innovation income deduction uses the ‘modified nexus approach’ to address the OECD’s substantial activities requirement. The tax deduction under the new rules is equal to 85% of the net innovation income (compared to 80% of the gross patent income under the old rules). Additionally, the scope of the innovation deduction has been expanded to include such items as intellectual property rights for computer software.
The patent deduction remains applicable through 30 June 2021 for income from patents granted or requested before 1 July 2016.
Companies that base their financial year on the calendar year may need to apply a combination of both regimes involving the same patent for the with 31/12/2021 financial year.
Want to learn more about the implications of the transition from patent deduction to innovation deduction for your business? Please contact your account manager or one of our experts at
Siel Demeyer
Senior Advisor Tax
Sven Loosvelt
Certified Tax Advisor
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