by Dries Torreele and Bert Vandorpe
In recent years, people who conducted business with the United Kingdom could use the European VAT-Refund application to claim back any VAT paid in the UK. This is yet another arrangement that will be impacted by Brexit. What does this mean in practice for enterprises wishing to claim a VAT refund from the UK?
Before, Belgian enterprises that paid VAT in the United Kingdom could apply for a refund to claim back that VAT. They submitted such claims, known as EU VAT refunds, to the Belgian tax authorities through Intervat. This method will remain applicable for any VAT paid up to 31 December 2020 and can still be applied through 31 March 2021.
From 1 January 2021, VAT paid in the UK can no longer be reclaimed by this method. Taxpayers must resort to the UK’s internal VAT refund procedure. This British procedure differs from the European one in several aspects:
From now on, Belgian entrepreneurs doing business in the UK will need to take British regulations into account. Our specialists are happy to be of assistance.
Dries Torreele
Certified Tax Advisor
Bert Vandorpe
Senior Advisor Tax
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