

postponing prepayments less disadvantageous

Tax & Legal
06 April 2020

by Dries Torreele

Postponing prepayments less disadvantageous

A frequently asked question from entrepreneurs faced with liquidity problems during the coronavirus crisis was whether there will be a postponement of the advance payments in personal and corporate income tax scheduled for 10 April 2020.

There has been no postponement, so the dates remain in place, but the FPS Finance does provide for a support measure that makes postponing advance payments less disadvantageous. This is achieved by increasing the rebates for the advance payments in the third and fourth quarters.

In concrete terms, the following adjusted percentages for advance payments apply:

It is important to note that the increase applies to companies with liquidity problems and therefore does not apply to companies making the following disbursements:

  • A buyback of company shares or a capital reduction
  • Payment or granting of a dividend between 12 March 2020 and 31 December 2020

The increases also do not apply to natural persons who could receive more rebates as a result.

Do you have questions about these support measures or do you want to know what the actual impact on your file will be? Contact your account manager or one of our specialists via corona@vdl.be.