

vandelanotte welcomes 14 new colleagues

10 September 2018

by Nikolas Vandelanotte

Vandelanotte welcomes 14 new colleagues

On 3 September, the school year started again for many young people. And things were no different at Vandelanotte. On that day we were able to welcome 14 new starters, each of them keen to be part of the Vandelanotte team. This was a start we could not ignore.

Even before the start at their new workplace, all new colleagues were surprised with a real welcome box. This allowed them to get to know our office in the nicest way possible. Last week they had the chance to familiarise themselves with all the aspects of our office and enjoy delicious croque monsieurs during our welcome reception on 3 September. They did not go home empty-handed though, because that day they were also allowed to receive their brand new Audi A1. Now that is what you call a successful first working week!

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Nikolas Vandelanotte

Certified Auditor & Certified Accountant - Managing Partner nikolas.vandelanotte@vdl.be

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