

compulsory eori number for imports

18 January 2017

by Dries Torreele

Compulsory EORI number for imports

Anyone importing goods into Belgium from a country outside the European Union is required to apply for an EORI number from 7 January 2017 onwards. EORI stands for 'Economic Operator Registration and Identification' and is a unique identification number regarding customs matters that will be valid throughout the entire European Union.

However, the Belgian customs authorities have put in place a temporary transitional measure which will be in force up to and including 7 February 2017. If the importer does not yet have an EORI number, then the code 'BEPRIVATEPERSON' must be entered in box 8, followed by the importer's name and address. Then, the code 'YO40' must be entered in box 44, mentioning the VAT number.

If you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to contact one of our specialists.

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Dries Torreele

Certified Tax Advisor dries.torreele@vdl.be

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