

when posting employees to france, these are the rules you need to take into account

26 April 2016

by Hannelore Durieu and Stephanie Vanmarcke

When posting employees to France, these are the rules you need to take into account

When posting employees to France, these are the rules you need to take into account

When posting employees to France, foreign employers have to inform the French labour inspection. So far nothing new.

However, this particular area of law has become more stringent. Any foreign employer must now also appoint a French representative who will act as a point of contact between the employer and the French authorities.

This representative must be in the possession of all documents that must be submitted in the event of an inspection, such as employment agreements, payment slips, an overview of the hours worked, clarification on any travel and accommodation expenses, certificates of medical fitness, etc. All of these documents need to be drawn up in French and handed over to the representative.

Prior to any planned activities, all foreign employers must report the details of their representative to the French labour inspection.

If you plan on posting staff to France, feel free to contact one of our specialists with any questions you may have or for support in general on contact@vdl.be.

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Hannelore Durieu

Partner International Tax - Certified Tax Advisor hannelore.durieu@vdl.be

Stephanie Vanmarcke

Team Manager International stephanie.vanmarcke@vdl.be

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