If an employee or a company manager is provided with a company car that can be used privately by the employer, this gives rise to a benefit in kind.
This taxable benefit in kind is determined on a flat-rate basis based on the catalogue value and the CO² emissions of the company car. Use the tool below to calculate the benefit in kind that applies to your car for the 2025 income year (assessment year 2026).
We have a team of specialists who closely monitor new legislation on a daily basis. If you would like more information on specific regulations in force, please contact us at contact@vdl.be.
Vandelanotte and its employees have developed these tools with the necessary care and attention. These tools therefore provide the most complete and up-to-date results possible. However, despite all efforts in the design of the calculation tools, Vandelanotte cannot guarantee their completeness and accuracy. The use of these tools is at your own responsibility and risk.