
privacy statement

Privacy statement

Version 2024.01

Vandelanotte is committed to protecting your personal information and respects your privacy. The purpose of this Privacy Statement is to inform you of how we collect, use, share and protect your information in accordance with applicable law.

This Privacy Statement applies to all personal data collected and processed by NV Vandelanotte, NV Callens Vandelanotte and affiliated companies as defined in article 1:20 of the Code of Companies and Associations (hereinafter "Vandelanotte").

The Vandelanotte Group includes the following companies:

  • NV Vandelanotte, with registered office at 8500 Kortrijk, President Kennedypark 1A, and registered in the register of legal entities under number 0876.286.023;

  • NV Callens Vandelanotte, with registered office at 8500 Kortrijk, President Kennedypark 1A, and registered in the register of legal entities under number 0433.608.707;

  • BV Vandelanotte ++, with registered office at 8500 Kortrijk, President Kennedypark 1A, and registered in the register of legal entities under number 0429.311.112;

  • BV Callens, Vandelanotte & Theunissen, with registered office at 2600 Antwerp, Grotesteenweg 214/9, and registered in the register of legal entities under number 0427.897.088

  • BV Accountancy 4 Foreigners, with registered office at 8500 Kortrijk, President Kennedypark 1A, and registered in the register of legal entities under number 0738.722.091;

  • BV Le Doux & Mortelmans, with registered office at 8500 Kortrijk, President Kennedypark 1A, and registered in the register of legal entities under number 0405.482.863;

  • BV Horsum, with registered office at 9830 Sint-Martens-Latem, Kortrijksesteenweg 48 bus 2, and registered in the register of legal entities under number 0839.254.589;

  • Cogitax SRL, with registered office at 1020 Brussels, Esplanade 1/85, and registered in the register of legal entities under number 0870.205.905;

  • BV Callens, Vandelanotte & Wouters, with registered office at 2600 Antwerp, Grotesteenweg 214/9, and registered in the register of legal entities under number 0476.381.945.

1. Collection and use of your personal information

Vandelanotte processes personal data of natural persons with whom we have, have had or wish to have a direct or indirect relationship.

This includes data of our current clients, suppliers, clients and employees, as well as potential clients and potential employees.

The use of your personal data always depends on different purposes:

Client acceptance procedure

As a member of a professional organization (ITAA/IBR), Vandelanotte is subject to anti-money laundering legislation. In application of this legislation, our clients must go through a client acceptance procedure. For all services for which you wish to call on us, we collect your identification data such as your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, VAT number and request a copy of your identity card.

The legal basis for this processing is our legal obligation.

Delivering our services to customers

Vandelanotte also collects personal information to provide you or our customers with the requested services.

For example, we collect socio-demographic data (e.g. your marital status and family situation), financial data (e.g. your income and assets), personal details (e.g. age and gender), living habits (e.g. information about social contacts or accidents), memberships (e.g. of an association or organisation), housing characteristics (e.g. of an apartment). (e.g. information about social contacts or accidents), memberships (e.g. of an association or organisation), housing characteristics (e.g. rental price or expenses), education and training data (e.g. vocational training and membership of professional organisations), occupation and employment data (e.g. your current employer or occupational medicine data).

Given the wide range of services we provide, the way in which we process personal data may vary depending on the service(s) you use. For example, we process personal data about our client's employees, about a client's employees and customers when we conduct an audit for a client, about a client's customers when we provide accounting services, and about a client's family members in the framework of wealth planning.

This processing of personal data is necessary for the execution of our agreement with our client.

Financial administration

Vandelanotte processes personal data in order to maintain its own bookkeeping and invoicing. This concerns identifying data and invoice details.

This processing forms part of Vandelanotte's legitimate interests, namely the ability to keep its records and to obtain payment for the services it has provided, on the one hand, and a legal obligation on Vandelanotte to keep accounts, on the other hand.

Maintaining client relations

Vandelanotte processes personal data in order to send newsletters about our products and services which we think may be of interest to you.

Sending newsletters to our clients is part of our legitimate interest. It is in both your and our interests to keep our clients informed about our activities and new services.

However, when you receive newsletters from us, you will always have the opportunity to change your preferences or unsubscribe from our newsletters altogether. In this case, you will explicitly choose not to receive newsletters and other mailings from Vandelanotte. However, you will continue to receive notices regarding the timely delivery of documents and/or information regarding, for example, your personal tax return.

Recruitment purposes

Vandelanotte collects personal data for the purpose of recruiting new employees.

The legal basis for this processing is, on the one hand, the consent of the candidate employee and, on the other hand, Vandelanotte's legitimate interest in recruiting a suitable candidate for a vacancy.

Direct Marketing

If you are not a client of Vandelanotte but would like to be kept informed of our services and activities, you can always subscribe to our newsletters. In this case, we will only process your personal data with your consent. You will always be able to change your preferences or withdraw your consent by using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the newsletter.

Improving our services

If you are a client of Vandelanotte, we may supplement your profile with data extracted from our CRM and ERP systems or other sources of information. We also have access to data available from public sources such as the National Bank, the BCE/KBO and the Belgian Official Gazette.


When you enter our offices you may be filmed. These camera images are for the sole purpose of securing our offices.

It is part of our legitimate interest to process this data for the security of our infrastructure, our employees and our clients.

General purposes

Vandelanotte processes all personal data listed above if necessary to comply with legal obligations, as well as to fulfil a legitimate request from competent officials or representatives of the police, judicial authorities, government authorities or bodies, including data protection authorities, for which we rely on our legal obligations.

Vandelanotte processes all personal data mentioned above when necessary to prepare and carry out business transactions, such as mergers, acquisitions or demergers for which we rely on our legitimate interest to enter into such transactions.

Vandelanotte may also collect so-called 'special categories' (art. 9 AVG/GDPR) of personal data, for example medical data (in the context of wealth planning or other optimisations). This data is only processed with your explicit consent.

The types of personal data we collect may differ depending on the services we provide to you or to our client.

2.  Who do we share your personal data with?

Under no circumstances will your data be shared with third parties for commercial purposes.

2.1. Your personal data within the Vandelanotte Group

Within the Vandelanotte Group, we take great care with your personal information and only share the information necessary to provide you with the best service. For example, your information may be shared between the various entities of the Vandelanotte Group as described above if this is necessary for administrative purposes or to provide the services you have requested.

In the event of reorganisations within the Vandelanotte Group, Vandelanotte may transfer personal data in connection with the transfer of the entity to which the data relates.

Vandelanotte has taken measures to ensure that personal data exchanged or shared within Vandelanotte is protected.

2.2. Your personal data outside the Vandelanotte Group

Sometimes, we are legally obligated to share your personal data with external parties, especially with the following third parties:

  • Public authorities and regulatory institutions where there is a legal obligation to share or disclose client data, such as the tax administration.

  • Judicial or investigative bodies, such as the police, public prosecution department ...

Furthermore, there are third parties whom we are not legally obligated to pass on personal data to, but whom we rely on for many of the services we provide:

  • Service providers who help us with: 

    • The design and maintenance of our internet tools and applications;

    • Maintaining our servers.

  • Social media applications we make us of:

We make use of social media applications on our website. We want to point out that all personal data you share with these social media applications may be read, collected and used for other users of these applications. Vandelanotte has little to no control over these other users and can therefore not guarantee that all social media applications adhere to this Privacy statement.

3. How do we protect your personal data?

Vandelanotte has developed several security measures to keep your personal data secure, correct and up-to-date. We specifically endeavour to avoid unauthorised access to or unauthorised modification, disclosure or deletion of personal data we have in our possession.

4. How long do we store your personal data?

We do not store personal data longer than necessary for the performance of our activities and provision of our services, unless we are legally obligated to store your personal data longer or because the period in which a legal claim could be exercised is still ongoing.

In any case, your client file is not maintained beyond 10 years after termination of our client relation.

5. What rights do you have?

You have several rights with regards to the personal data we process:

The rigt to access: 

You have the right to receive confirmation that we process personal data about you and to request a copy of the personal data we store about you free of charge.

The right to improvement: 

You have the right to request that we modify personal data we hold about you, or that we correct or supplement any incorrect personal data.

The right to removal and limitation: 

You have the right to request us to remove your personal data. In this case, you acknowledge that a request to removal of personal data means that certain services can no longer be provided.

You can also request us to limit our processing of your personal data. 

The right to object: 

You have the right to object against the use of your personal data. You do need to motivate this request.

You can also explicitly object against processing your personal data for direct marketing purposes, for which you do not need to provide motivation.

Right to data portability: 

You have the right to obtain your personal data being processed by us in a structured, conventional and machine-readable format. You also have the right to have these data transferred to other parties responsible for processing.

Right to withdraw your permission: 

You always have the right to withdraw your permission to process your personal data (on the condition that its processing is based on your permission).

Right to submit complaints: 

You also have the right to submit a complaint to the Belgian Data Protection Authority:

Drukpersstraat 35         
Tel. 02/274.48.00
Fax. 02/274.48.35

If you wish to exercise the aforementioned rights, you can contact dpo@vdl.be. We may ask you to submit proof of identity before granting your request.

6. About this privacy statement

This privacy statement may be modified from time to time. All modifications will be recorded on this page.

If you have questions regarding the processing of your personal data by Vandelanotte, please contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO) at dpo@vdl.be or via a letter addressed to DPO Vandelanotte – Pres. Kennedypark 1a 8500 Kortrijk, Belgium.