

who is eligible for the eur 2,500 walloon compensation premium?

Tax & Legal
26 May 2020

by Febe Louage and Stephanie Vanmarcke

Who is eligible for the EUR 2,500 Walloon compensation premium?

The Walloon Region has established a compensation premium for Walloon enterprises that do not qualify for the coronavirus premium. This compensation premium amounts to EUR 2,500. Applicants are subject to the following conditions:

  • Entrepreneurs must be able to prove that their business activities have experienced significant disruption due to the coronavirus.
  • Self-employed natural persons and businesses run by a sole trader must have applied for the full bridging right before 5 May 2020 and been granted this right for the months of March and April.
  • Enterprises that are not run by a sole trader are entitled to the compensation if the majority of their employees are temporarily unemployed due to the coronavirus crisis.
  • The enterprise has not yet been granted any other premium.- No dividends will be paid in the 2020 financial year.

The premium can be applied for until 30 June.