

brussels compensation premium of eur 2,000; who is eligible?

19 May 2020

by Febe Louage and Stephanie Vanmarcke

Brussels compensation premium of EUR 2,000; who is eligible?

It took a while, but on 14 May the Brussels Capital government finally announced the application conditions for its EUR 2,000 support premium. It should be possible to apply for this compensation in early June.

The EUR 2,000 compensation premium is intended for the self-employed and enterprises with registered offices in the Brussels Capital Region with a maximum of 5 full-time employees (FTE). The premium is only available once per enterprise.

To be eligible for this premium, a sharp drop in the level of activities must be apparent:

  • Self-employed natural persons and businesses run by a sole trader must have been granted the full bridging right for the month of March or April.
  • Enterprises that are not run by a sole trader are entitled to the compensation if the majority of their employees are temporarily unemployed due to the coronavirus crisis.

Companies that are already making use of a different premium related to the coronavirus are no longer eligible for this compensation premium.

Do you require further information about the Brussels compensation premium? Please contact your account manager or one of our experts at contact@vdl.be.