

vat rate for face masks and hand gels temporarily reduced

04 May 2020

by Dries Torreele

VAT rate for face masks and hand gels temporarily reduced

On 2 May, the Cabinet decided to temporarily reduce the VAT rate for face masks and hydroalcoholic gels from 21% to 6%. This reduced rate applies to supplies, imports and intra-Community acquisitions from 4 May 2020 up to and including 31 December 2020.

With regard to face masks, it was specifically stipulated that these must bear one of the following commodity codes:

  • 4818 90 10 00
  • 4818 90 90 00
  • 6307 90 98 10
  • 6307 90 98 91
  • 6307 90 98 99
  • 9020 00 00 80

These commodity codes cover face masks in a broad sense, ranging from masks manufactured using ‘nonwoven fabrics’ to hand-made varieties.

Should you have any questions pertaining to this temporary VAT reduction for face masks and hand gels, then please contact one of our specialists via corona@vdl.be.