by Stijn Moreau and Anneleen Wydooghe
Many companies have resumed activities in the past few months. Such relaunches are not always straight-forward, however. Numerous measures and constantly changing legislation make it hard to determine the precise requirements. This can lead to unpleasant surprises in the event of an inspection. Now that the chance of an inspector dropping by is increasing likely, it is best to be well-prepared.
Start by gathering as much information as possible on the risks associated with COVID-19. This can be done using a risk analysis or checklist. For example, check all entrances and exits, identify doors that require manual operation and consider sanitary facilities. Only then can you commence work on a concrete action plan.
Draw up your action plan based on the results of the risk analysis and align to government and sector guidelines in order to guarantee the safety of your employees and customers. This might include a circulation plan to ensure social distancing for example, and cover refectory usage, the placement of screens or the provision of the requisite protective equipment.
Every company performs different activities with different associated risks. The resumption plan will therefore differ per enterprise. It is essential that you prepare this meticulously and initiate it in plenty of time, enabling you to put the necessary measures into practice and fine-tune where necessary. That way you can guarantee a safe environment for your staff and customers and avoid any penalties resulting from a potential audit.
Stijn Moreau
Team Manager Risk Management
Anneleen Wydooghe
Team Manager Sustainability
In our opinions, we rely on current legislation, interpretations and legal doctrine. This does not prevent the administration from disputing them or from changing existing interpretations.
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