

increasing cybercrime: prevention is better than cure

Tax & Legal
09 February 2023

by Dries Torreele

Increasing cybercrime: prevention is better than cure

Ever-increasing digitisation is undoubtedly bringing many benefits, but it also has a downside. At least one in eight Flemish companies was the victim of a cyberattack in 2021, a number that, unfortunately, keeps rising. Fortunately, it is possible to plan and significantly reduce the risk.

You can take advantage of the services of Clipeum, our partner and experienced provider in the field of data protection and information security, and have them carry out an audit of your data. Such a survey exposes problem areas and points for improvement in order to achieve optimum security.

If, despite these measures, your company is still hit by a cyberattack and, as a consequence, is unable to fulfil certain tax obligations, you may be able to avoid unnecessary fines. On 23rd January 2023 the Federal Public Service Finance called on businesses in such a situation to contact it on the following e-mail addresses: 

If you provide information to FPS Finances about the impact of the cyberattack and the subsequent consequences, they will then endeavour to inform the services concerned as quickly as possible and to consider what measures should be taken. 

If you have any questions about this subject, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.