



vandelanotte helps make decospan's global mobility possible

Testimony of a Client

Vandelanotte helps make Decospan's global mobility possible

Everyone knows the name Decospan. The company has all kinds of solutions for integrating wood into your interior, from veneer panels to wooden floors, wall and ceiling panels, wooden beams, and much more. Its substantial growth means it always has vacant positions, and in order to fill these, it is increasingly looking at foreign talent. For the administration this entails, Decospan calls on the expertise of Vandelanotte.


With around 950 employees throughout the Decospan group and various sites in Belgium, France, Portugal, Croatia and Czechia, the HR is a real challenge. “The largest share of them works in our production units. Our external sales team is spread worldwide, from Shanghai to New York”, explains HR Director Evelien Vanden Brande. “Our values are what connects us. We also ensure that everyone’s up to speed on the strategy and projects in progress. Our external salespeople come to Belgium at least once a year. We also provide opportunities to touch base in the meantime, allowing us to connect with them.”

Decospan is growing, and that of course means it needs people. “Unlike many other companies, we're still finding the right talents: we fill the majority of vacancies within the predetermined term. The fact we're a family company, we won the Family Business Award and strongly emphasise our values contribute towards this. Our product and our story have become a tool for recruiting. That authenticity works.”

Vandelanotte’s people know the ins and out of our company. They're aware what’s important and which way we want to head. Wouter Pattyn , Decospan

Specialist needed

Given the international expansion, Decospan is increasingly looking abroad to fill certain sales positions. “We’ve had French employees on our payroll for a number of years now. Around a year ago, they were also joined by people from the Netherlands and Hungary.” Decospan performs recruiting itself using social media, specific recruitment tools and unsolicited applications from people in the sector. However, the administration for taking on someone from abroad is hardly straightforward. “You can read up on and get to grips with the subject, but if you only have to do it once, you can’t master it fully”, says Evelien.

Engaging Vandelanotte for this was a logical choice. “We’ve already been working together for longer”, explains CFO Wouter Pattyn. “The collaboration started based on Vandelanotte’s auditing role. An advisory role was also added later on, such as concerning of tax, VAT and accounting, and that’s how a true bond of trust arose. The service provided is always high quality and professional, and Vandelanotte’s people know the ins and out of our company. They're aware what’s important and which way we want to head.”

“For international payrolling, you really need an expert on the subject”, he says. This is why a collaboration regarding HR was also set up with Vandelanotte, who draws up the necessary contracts with foreign employees. “Vandelanotte furthermore sees to the payroll and performs the tax calculation. The impact of matters such as a car or VAT on the car is extremely clear to us as an employer. A genuine one-stop shop.”

With Vandelanotte, Evelien and Wouter recognise the hands-on approach that typifies Decospan. “Progress is being made, that’s what we want. I also have a single contact person, who sometimes comes back spontaneously on ongoing matters. The ownership is extremely high”, says Evelien. “If ever something isn’t going so well, we can discuss it. That transparency and openness is found in both our companies. That's a major plus”, says Wouter. “You actually also get the sense Vandelanotte has heavily invested in further expanding its expertise in recent years. That’s an advantage, because as we grow, we need a partner who can grow along with us.

The files started with French, Dutch and Hungarian employees are going smoothly. “We're now actively recruiting in Germany, where a new file will possibly have to be started. I know that with one call to Vandelanotte, it will all be sorted out. They don’t need any more explanation to know what needs to happen. And if something changes in the ongoing files – such as an amendment to legislation – Vandelanotte will definitely get in touch with us. It’s reassuring having a partner who provides input proactively”, they conclude.

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