



vandelanotte and the city of roeselare, a longstanding bond of trust

Testimony of a Client

Vandelanotte and the City of Roeselare, a longstanding bond of trust

The City of Roeselare has worked in close collaboration with Vandelanotte for years. This primarily involves our recruitment and selection process for new employees. Ruben, who has been with the City of Roeselare for four years now, characterises the collaboration as reliable, accurate and of high quality.

Vandelanotte en Stad Roeselare, een vertrouwensrelatie sinds lang

Our exceptionally fast service makes the difference. Furthermore, Sarah acts as their single point of contact, guiding the selection process and handling everything for them from beginning to end. Not much is needed for Ruben and Sarah to understand one another. ‘Vandelanotte is familiar with our approach and we know theirs. We provide a competency matrix and job description and they handle the rest. Occasionally, we place a brief call to discuss things as needed’, says Ruben.

Vandelanotte is familiar with our approach and we know theirs. Ruben , City of Roeselare

Thanks to many follow-ups and years of personal interaction, they trust each other completely. Ruben expands on this: ‘I have noticed that the people at Vandelanotte grasp the essentials very quickly thanks to their years of experience and know-how. A few critical notes from both sides is usually enough to get us on the same wavelength. They are also very dependable. The reports we receive are supplied quickly and are always well-founded. Vandelanotte is not afraid to state an opinion, and that is what we come to them for, after all, clearly substantiated, independent advice.’

Eager to have your recruitment and selection process taken care of from beginning to end, like the City of Roeselare? Use the form below to contact one of our experts.

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In our opinions, we rely on current legislation, interpretations and legal doctrine. This does not prevent the administration from disputing them or from changing existing interpretations.

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