For more than 77 years
The year 1948 was an important one for the Vandelanotte family. It was the year Roger Vandelanotte founded the accounting and auditing firm of the same name.
Although it has since become much more than he ever dreamed it would be, years_since_founding years ago, 'Mr Roger' decided to give up his teaching job and set up an accounting firm on his own. And it proved to be a successful.
Vandelanotte was founded by Roger Vandelanotte.
Son Koen joins the family business.
Son Hein also decides to take the same path. The services are being further expanded.
With the arrival of grandson Nikolas Vandelanotte, a third generation enters the family business.
The 100th colleague is hired.
Share ownership is opened to non-family partners.
The entrepreneurial portal myVandelanotte is launched, underlining Vandelanotte's digital and progressive character.
Together with BDO and Van Havermaet, the fintech company ai-GUST is founded.
Callens, Pirenne & Co. merges with Vandelanotte's audit department to form Callens Vandelanotte. The merger of the two oldest independent family firms in the sector allows us to welcome Philip Callens as a family partner.